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Meyer Elementary School

Home of the Eagles

About Us

Our Mission

We are dedicated to growing future leaders by preparing and empowering scholars to maximize their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. At Meyer Elementary, we strive to provide scholars with rigorous learning experiences, to foster respect for others, and to celebrate diversity within a safe and nurturing community built on trust and inclusivity.

Front Picture of Meyer Elementary School

School Hours

Meyer Elementary is in elementary group B.

School begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 3:10 p.m.

Students may not arrive on campus before 7:10 a.m.

Breakfast is served from 7:10 – 7:40 a.m. daily.

Tardy Bell – 7:45 a.m.
Dismissal Bell – 3:10 p.m.

Teacher Day – 7:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Office Hours – 7:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

Meyer Elementary Lunch Schedule

Pre-Kindergarten Lunch: 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Kindergarten Lunch: 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

1st Grade Lunch: 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

2nd Grade Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

3rd Grade Lunch: 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.

4th Grade Lunch: 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

5th Grade Lunch: 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Please note: all lunchtime visitors must be listed on student’s emergency contact list, must provide a photo ID, and must wear a visitor’s badge while on campus.

Several lunch items on trays with a blue background

School Info

  • Excused Absences: State law allows excused absences for religious holy dats, required court appearances, activities related to obtaining US citizenship, health care appointments, for students in the custody of the state, TAPS at a military funeral, parent/step-parent/legal guardian who is an active duty member of the uniformed services, personal illness, death/funeral of an immediate family member, or quarantine. Examples of these absences and required documentation can me found in the 24-25 Elementary Student Handbook, pages 14 – 17.

    Documentation After an Absence: Attendance excuse notes must be received within 5 days of the absence. These notes must be signed, dates, and describe the reason for the absence. Please note that, unless the absence is for a statutorily allowed reason under compulsory attendance laws, the district is not required to excuse any absence, even is the parent provides a note explaining the absence.

    5 Consecutive Days of Illness: Upon return to school, a student absent for more than 5 consecutive days because of a personal illness must bring a doctor's note verifying the illness or condition that caused the student's extended absence from school. 

    Attendance notes may be sent by email but must come from a parent’s verified email account. Please include your student’s first and last name, grade level, teacher name, the date(s) your child was absent, and the reason for the absence(s.) Please email attendance notes to Gracey Ortega at

  • Any change in transportation arrangements for a student requires a note or phone call to the front office from the parent prior to 2:00 p.m. After 2:00 p.m. no changes will be made.

  • Meyer Elementary follows LCISD district dress code. 

    Acceptable Dress Includes: any collared shirt/blouse, t-shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts, and other pull-over tops with sleeves. Shirts with school designs/logos, brand names, and/or other appropriate words are acceptable. Pants and slacks are acceptable is worn at the waist and not “baggy.” Acceptable shorts are no shorter than mid-thigh for all grades. Dresses, skorts, and skirts are acceptable if they are not shorter than mid-thigh. Shoes should be chosen for safety and quietness. Athletic shoes with a rubber sole, closed toes, and full support should be worn for PE and recess. Earrings, hair jewelry, watches, bracelets, rings, and necklaces that are not a safety hazard or create a disruption may be worn.

    Special Comments: Students are prohibited from wearing shirts that are oversized or immodestly undersized, are sheer, depict alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, death, violence, vulgar language or images, or insults to race, religion, gender, or ethnicity. Undershirts, tank tops, spaghetti straps, blouses, or clothing that exposes cleavage or the midriff when the arms are raised may not be worn. Pants, slacks, and shorts may not be made of inaproppriate form-fitting materials, sheer, baggy, sagging, or oversized. No holes above mid-thigh are acceptable unless worn over leggings or tights. Pajamas are not permitted. No leggings may be worn as pants. Dresses, skorts, and skirts may not be revealing or form fitting, and must not be shorter than mid-thigh. Shoes over 1 inch high, slides, and flip-flops are not recommended for safety reasons. House shoes and shoes with wheels are not acceptable. Students may not weat nose rings, visible body, or facial piercings.

  • Early Check-Outs

    Early check-outs are permitted until 2:00 p.m.To sign a student out early, you must present photo ID in the office and be names as an emergency contact in Skyward. Students will stay in their classrooms until the person is there to pick them up. Accumulated time of early check-outs is calculated by minutes lost in instructional time. Please make all attempts to schedule appointments outside the instructional day.

  • Welcome to Meyer Elementary School!

    If your student is not enrolled, please click the button below to begin the registration process.

    Register a New Student

    Meyer Welcome Packet Documents:

    2024-2025 Instructional Calendar

    2024-2025 School Supply List

    Meyer Elementary Dress Code

    2024-2025 Free Lunch Letter

    Right at School Daycare

    Daycare List

    Whom to Call




  • Students new to Lamar CISD must complete pre-registration online. Click here to complete pre-registration. 

    Once you’vecompleted pre-registration, please contact the Meyer office to make an appointment to provide your child’s documents. You will need the following items:

    • Your child’s birth certificate,
    • Your child’s social security card or number,
    • Your child’s current immunization record,
    • Your photo ID,
    • Your current lease agreement, or electricity, water, or gas bill.


    If you live in the home of a friend or relative and do not have a lease or current utility bill in your name, you and the homeowner will be required to fill out dual residency forms and have them notarized. Please contact the Meyer office at (832) 223-2000 to request a current dual residence packet.


  • All new students will be given one free student ID badge. If your student loses or breaks their ID badge, you will need to purchase a replacement for $5.00. This fee includes one badge, a clear plastic pouch for the badge, and your choice of a lanyard or badge clip.

    To purchase a replacement badge, please click the button below:

    Replacement Student ID Badge


  • Meyer Elementary students are tardy after 7:45 a.m. Students arriving after 7:45 a.m. must report to the office for a tardy slip before going to class. Accumulated time of tardies is calculated by minutes in lost instructional time.

  • Lamar CISD uses Tyler Technologies Versatrans My Stop to manage bus routes. With My Stop you can now access your student’s bus route and view:

    • Route Number
    • Bus Stops
    • Estimated Arrival/Drop-Off Times

    Click the button below to log into My Stop – the username will be your child’s ID number, and password will be their date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY.)

    Versatrans e-Link

    Click on the video below for instructions on using Versatrans e-Link.


  • student working with math manipulatives
  • students attending an orchestra performance
  • student working at desk
  • students with bracelets craft
  • student reading at desk
  • students working together at table